Azure DevOps code coverage percentage

Introduction When running code coverage with your build on Azure DevOps you can notice that sometimes it shows a different code coverage percentage compared to you local code coverage result. The fact that is causing this difference is explainable and can be fixed easily. Runsettings When you download the code coverage result you can inspect … Continue reading Azure DevOps code coverage percentage

Failing TFS build with .NET Core 2.0

With the release of .NET Core 2.0 I wanted to explore the new features and created a small test application where a .NET Core 2.0 WebApi used some functionality of a .NET Standard 2.0 assembly. Ofcourse I created a build and a release definition within TFS. In Visual Studio 2017 (15.3) all was working fine, … Continue reading Failing TFS build with .NET Core 2.0

Creating a Build Definition in TFS 2017

Introduction In my previous post I showed the steps you need to take to create a Build Agent, but you need a Build Definition so you can really build your solution. I also installed Visual Studio 2017 on my buildserver so I can take advantage of the latest .NET Framework in my solution. In this … Continue reading Creating a Build Definition in TFS 2017

Create a Build Agent in TFS 2017

Introduction When you want to use Continuous Integration or Nightly builds for your project you first need to set up a Build Agent within TFS. Automatic builds (and optionally tests) are a good practice to check the quality of you code. Create the Agent When you open the TFS Administration Console and click on the … Continue reading Create a Build Agent in TFS 2017

Updating assembly version on local build

Introduction When you want to update the assembly version to the current changeset of your workspace when a solution is build (for example before deploying your solution), you can do this with PowerShell in combination with TF commandline. Example The following script updates the assembly version, in the (shared) AssemblyInfo before the actual build command … Continue reading Updating assembly version on local build

Create your Team Project in TFS 2017

Introduction When you have installed a fresh instance of Team Foundation Server, you will get a default Team Projects Collection called "DefaultCollection". You will need to create a Team Project to get your team started with using Team Foundation Server. In this article I will show the steps needed to get you started. There are … Continue reading Create your Team Project in TFS 2017

Installing Team Foundation Server 2017

Introduction On november 16th 2016 Microsoft released Team Foundation Server 2017. Installing Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2017 is very straightforward and easy to do. If you can't or don't want to use Visual Studio Team Services, you can install TFS (Team Foundation Server) on premise for your team to use. I will introduce you with the … Continue reading Installing Team Foundation Server 2017